Since i have not dined there ill keep this short and quick.
I was meeting AJ( for a drink and decided on Ellipsis since i had only been there once and had left without eating or drinking due to a change in plan.

I was meeting AJ( for a drink and decided on Ellipsis since i had only been there once and had left without eating or drinking due to a change in plan.
I started off with the Old Fashioned which was Bourbon, bitters and demera i think. This baby was strong.. ill say one thing, the bar tenders here are not short changing you on the quantity. A little bit more of the mixers would have softened the taste a tad, this literally felt like a massive shot of whiskey. A friend of mine just told me that this is the cocktail of choice for Don Draper.. interesting.

The fried cheese, we split an appetizer and boy was this something. Brilliant, cheesy as hell, a tad sweet but spot on. i could eat loads. I will say i am not a fan of odd sized servings.

The American was the last one i picked, this was if i remember correctly Campari, Vermouth amongst other things. Again not bad but the taste was neither here nor there.
Overall, Ellipsis has the quality offering right, they arent trying to rip you off or fob you off which at their prices i wouldn't expect them to either.
They also have a MASSIVE list of cocktails (but no real special beers or ales) so one should feel free to experiment. I had a peek at the food menu on the way out, it was a one pager which i think is daring and changes with availability of ingredients which i reckon is smart. The pricing also was not as prohibitive as i was led to believe, although it is certainly on the higher side.
They also have a MASSIVE list of cocktails (but no real special beers or ales) so one should feel free to experiment. I had a peek at the food menu on the way out, it was a one pager which i think is daring and changes with availability of ingredients which i reckon is smart. The pricing also was not as prohibitive as i was led to believe, although it is certainly on the higher side.
Will definitely check them out for dinner one of these days.